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T h e  i P H O N E A R T   o f   L i n d a   H o l l i e r


iPhone artist Linda Hollier begins with moments, or more appropriately ‘instances’. Her considerations are not so much guided by the rationale of the traditional parameters used by photographers; whether the light is correct or the subject is in the right position, etc. Rather she applies a multi-sensory perception of energy, mixed with intuition, in her creative process. 


Linda's work asks for a focused concentration on her surroundings. This has allowed her to practice 'listening' on a deeper level. As a photographer, her eyes are the primary source of perception and through them, she listens to the vibrations and frequencies of color, form, movement and energy.

She has learned how to hear what is unseen and often senses the unspoken. It is in these moments, in that millisecond, that intuition becomes her guide as when to click to capture what is right in front of her.


Some artists are capable, when their relationship with their chosen media is deep, alive, and is in sync with the vibrations of their passion, to provoke an experience that can open the viewer to the magic of cross-sensory connections. 


I am happy to have the opportunity to share stories of my IPHONEART journey as part of a growing Mobile Art Community, and to offer selected works that you can own through an easy on-line purchasing process

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Linda Hollier
iPhone Artist

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May the skies look down
favorably upon you
and the ground rise up
to greet your positive steps.
May your day lead to new beginnings.

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